Physical Fitness

Get your peak physical potential with our fitness programs. Our experts will coach you on many training components, including cardiovascular conditioning, muscular strength, flexibility, mobility and body composition. We will always motivate you during the sessions and will receive feedback to reach your fitness goals effectively.

You can come to us in the following, but not limited cases:

  • Weight Loss
  • Strength and mobility
  • Sport performance
  • Tone up
  • Injury prevention


Each program includes health intake, fitness assessments, individualized exercise plans, stretch therapy, progress tracking, wellness counselling, and follow-ups.

One-on-one rates

  • Single Session CAD 115 + HST
  • Pre-purchase of Ten Sessions CAD 95 + HST per session

Two people rates

  • Single Session CAD 150 + HST
  • Pre-purchase of Ten Sessions CAD 140 + HST per session

Virtual rates

Move your body from home. We want to see you on Zoom.

  • Single Session CAD 90 + HST
  • Pre-purchase of Ten Sessions CAD 75 + HST per session

Health Care Coverage

  • Health Spending Account
  • Some extended healthcare insurance
  • Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Kinesiologist services in Ontario can now be claimed as an eligible medical expense by the Canada Revenue Agency. See here for more information.

Payment Options: We accept Visa, Mastercard, Cheques, e-transfers and Cash.